Sprout - significado y definición. Qué es Sprout
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Qué (quién) es Sprout - definición

Sprouts; Sprout (disambiguation); Sprouts (disambiguation)

·vt To shoot into ramifications.
II. Sprout ·vi Young coleworts; Brussels sprouts.
III. Sprout ·vt To deprive of sprouts; as, to sprout potatoes.
IV. Sprout ·vt To cause to sprout; as, the rain will sprout the seed.
V. Sprout ·vt To shoot, as the seed of a plant; to Germinate; to push out new shoots; hence, to grow like shoots of plants.
VI. Sprout ·vi The shoot of a plant; a shoot from the seed, from the stump, or from the root or tuber, of a plant or tree; more rarely, a shoot from the stem of a plant, or the end of a branch.
I. v. n.
Shoot, germinate, vegetate, push, grow, pullulate, put forth, shoot forth, burst forth, bourgeon.
Ramify, shoot into branches.
II. n.
Acrospire, plumule.
Shoot, ratoon, young branch.
(sprouts, sprouting, sprouted)
When plants, vegetables, or seeds sprout, they produce new shoots or leaves.
It only takes a few days for beans to sprout.
When leaves, shoots, or plants sprout somewhere, they grow there.
Leaf-shoots were beginning to sprout on the hawthorn...
VERB: V prep
If a garden or other area of land sprouts plants, they start to grow there.
...the garden, which had had time to sprout a shocking collection of weeds.
VERB: no passive, V n
If something such as hair sprouts from a person or animal, or if they sprout it, it grows on them.
She is very old now, with little, round, wire-rimmed glasses and whiskers sprouting from her chin...
As well as sprouting a few grey hairs, Kevin seems to be suffering the occasional memory loss.
VERB: no passive, V prep, V n
Sprouts are vegetables that look like tiny cabbages. They are also called brussels sprouts
N-COUNT: usu pl
Sprouts are new shoots on plants.
After eleven days of growth the number of sprouts was counted.
N-COUNT: usu pl



Sprout or Sprouts may refer to:

Ejemplos de pronunciación para Sprout
1. sprout though--
The Skinnytaste Cookbook - Light on Calories, Big on Flavor _ Gina Homolka _ Talks at Google
2. and they sprout hair.
3. It doesn't sprout.
Raw Food for Dummies _ Cherie Soria & Dan Ladermann _ Talks at Google
4. every Brussels sprout
5. New downtowns sprout towers
Ejemplos de uso de Sprout
1. Barely yellow is a chlorophyll–deficient sprout that‘s on its way to becoming an ex–sprout.
2. New buildings sprout like weeds — planning is unheard of.
3. The Farley sprout has a long way to go beat the world record for the heaviest brussels sprout, which was grown in October 1''2.
4. Susie Farley, 33, said the enormous sprout was "a freak of nature", adding: "It was incredible to see this single, huge sprout on a stalk of its own.
5. Shaggy Inkcap mushroom: This mushroom is the earliest to sprout since records began Read more...